with Chris Townley
Over the past few weeks it might seem like that we have been bombarding you on the Flames Of War website with a lot of Eastern Front content. In case you haven’t been able to keep up I thought I would put a quick summary up of the content thus far…
Stalingrad is our new Starter Set, designed to help new players get straight in to Flames Of War. It contains:
- five tanks,
- dice,
- cardboard terrain,
- a complete mini rulebook, and to really help new players get started,
- an intro guide that will help people assemble their models and play their first few games.
Veteran Flames Of War players might think that a Starter or Intro Set isn’t really for them, but if you are coming back to Flames Of War after a break this might be a great way to get straight back into the action without having to read the whole rulebook before putting some models on the table.
Battle of Stalingrad: War on the Eastern Front…
Mike Haught (the author of Iron Cross) has put together his notes on what you can expect to find in the book. If you are looking for some in-depth information then this is a great place to start.
Iron Cross Spotlight…
Phil Yates (you guessed it, he wrote Enemy at the Gates) has shared his extensive thoughts on the book in this article.
Enemy at the Gates Spotlight…
Command Cards allow Flames Of War generals to field iconic warriors, build new types of units, field new types of equipment, enhance your commander’s capabilities, and bring new tactics and stratagems to the battlefield.
Reading through some of the staff army articles during the Live Launch you might have spotted a few of the guys mentioning Command Cards. Andrew has written a pair of preview articles (one for each pack) to help introduce you to Command Cards and show off a few specific ones.
Iron Cross Command Cards…
Enemy at the Gates Command Cards…
For a limited time only boxes of Unit Cards will be available for each Flames Of War Mid War book. The packs will contain one of each Unit Card that relates to their book. The packs have been designed to assist existing players that have already bought our miniatures and built their armies under previous editions and want cards to help transition to V4.
Enemy at the Gates and Iron Cross come with a complete new range of releases. From the new KV tank and Katyusha Rocket Launcher for the Soviets, to the Tiger tank and Nebelwerfer for the Germans, there is plenty of great new plastic models to get your hands on.
There is also some outstanding new terrain being added to the Battlefield in a Box range that will help you really capture the flavour of fighting on the Eastern Front.
Enemy at the Gates and Iron Cross Pre-orders…
Don’t forget to head down to your local gaming store this weekend to check out the new books in person…